Myers Briggs (MBTI®️)

The Posture Clinic combines the Alexander Technique with the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) which is a non-judgmental personality type questionnaire.  This adds a psychological aspect to the work of The Posture Clinic, to create a more in-depth self-knowledge and increased personal awareness.   This enables you to have a choice and the freedom from being a slave to unknown physical and psychological habits. The Posture Clinic can help you to:

  • Find out more about yourself and how you relate to other people
  • Have choice about how you react and behave
  • Understand more about how others react and behave differently from you
  • Improve your confidence as you gain mastery over your habitual reactions
  • Find out which career is best for you

Book a session on 07771 602665 or email


One-to-one session at your home in South Cumbria/North Lancashire – £75 (includes administering the questionnaire followed by a feedback session lasting about an hour and a half)

Group workshops also available – contact me to discuss your requirements